Welcome to the Bolingbrook Soccer Club Recreational Soccer Program. Our Recreational Soccer Program is designed to introduce soccer to player of all ages. Registration for our program:
Registration for Spring Rec Soccer starts the first week of February. Registration for Fall Rec Soccer starts the first week of June
The Bolingbrook Soccer Recreational Program is designed to teach players the fundamentals of soccer while having fun. Every player will have a chance to play every position throughout the season. Soccer is a game that can last a lifetime providing years of fun and fitness. We are always looking for parents/ adult volunteers to get involved in our soccer program, if you are interested in coaching or volunteering please let us know. Below is information about age groups and divisions and rules.
Players are placed in divisions based on their age on the date of the first game of the season. See the calendar for the exact date. A volunteer head coach's son or daughter can play up one division.
Detailed rules of play based on FIFA laws: BSC Rules of Play
Minutes / Qtr
Field Size
Ball Size
Offsides & Direct
Players on Field
Mini Soccers
20 x 30
4v4 (split squad)
K - 1st Grade | 8
25 x 30
4v4 (split squad)
2nd - 3rd Grade | 10
25 x 35
5v5 (split squad)
4th - 5th Grade | 12
35 x 50
Middle School | 14
50 x 75
High School | 16
60 x 120
Coaching Opportunities
We are always looking for parents/adult volunteers to help by coaching a Recreational soccer team. Players who have parents willing to coach will move to the top of our registration list. BSC provides training programs for parents/adult volunteers interested in coaching. We hope you will consider helping our BSC Recreational Soccer Program by coaching or volunteering. If interested please contact [email protected]. There is also a section in the online registration program to volunteer/coach.
Recreational soccer follows the FIFA Laws of the Game. The game is modified by BSC, with fewer rules for the lower divisions. At Intermediate and Senior nearly all the rules are in effect. The one BSC change that applies to all Recreational divisions is that slide-tackling is not allowed.
Any boy or girl that will be 4-14 years old on the date of the first game of the season. See the calendar for the exact date. Traveling players cannot also play Recreational soccer. This program is limited based on the number of volunteer coaches.
Recreational soccer divisions are based on the players age on the day of the first game of the season, not parental choice, or the players skill level. There are only two exceptions.
Playing Up: As a benefit/incentive for Head Coaches, they may choose to have their child(ren), on the team they will be personally coaching, play up one division. This can also help BSC build viable teams and divisions.
Playing Down: At the discretion of the BSC Soccer Board, players with disabilities may be allowed to play in a lower division (please consult with BSC Board for more information).
Division Exceptions: With the approval of the Vice President of Recreational Soccer, 6.5+ year old Elementary division players can opt to play in the 7 year old Minor division as long as they have played at least two sessions in Elementary. This option to play up is in request form only and is not guaranteed until after registration closes. The BSC reserves the right to adjust divisions for players that have birthdays nearest the cutoff dates in order to build viable teams and divisions.
Playing Time - Games
Each player will play at least 1 quarter of offense and 1 quarter of defense per game, and at least 3 quarters per game. If there are too many players to give each 3 quarters, then the coach will sub players halfway through the quarters so players get at least 2½ quarters. These rules apply to players that are available to play for all 4 quarters. Players showing up late or leaving early may not get 2 � or 3 quarters of play. Midfield positions are considered offense.
When and Where are the Games?
Recreational games are played on10 consecutive Saturdays, skipping Memorial Day and Labor Day weekends. See the calendar for the exact dates. Game start times can vary from 8am to 2pm. Elementary and Minor Division games will be on the West Lily Cache Fields (located 1/2 mile West of Weber on the south side of Hassert Blvd). All others will be at the main Lily Cache Fields (located just west of the corner of Weber and Hassert Blvd). Note: Hassert Blvd is also referred to as 111th Street on some gps programs.
When and Where are Practices?
Practice times and locations are determined by each teams head coach. Practices generally start in the week following the player draft. Check the calendar for the draft dates. Location is any park or school grounds that does not interfere with a scheduled/reserved activity. Parks and school fields cannot be reserved for practices. They are generally held one or two times per week, 45-90 minutes, with longer practices for older teams.
Game Cancellations
Games are cancelled for lightning and/or flooded fields. Rain, sleet, wind and snow do not stop soccer. Dress appropriately. Games are not cancelled by coaches, it is a BSC Board decision 30 minutes prior. Games that have played 2 full quarters will not be rescheduled. The final score stands. Cancelling practices is up to each coach.
Registration Fees
Bolingbrook Residents: $95.00 and Non-Residents: $110.00 (this includes the $10.00 field maintenance fee and the $15.00 non-resident fee).
The last day for a refund will be posted on the recreational calendar for the season. This will generally be the day the coaches receive the team jerseys. The refund will be for the full amount paid. These refunds will be processed in a batch by the 3rd week of the season. At the discretion of the BSC Soccer Board of Directors, later partial refunds may be made in exceptional circumstances.
An exception is that recreational players that successfully tryout and join a BSC traveling team may receive a full refund or apply those funds towards their traveling fees. Refunds will be processed in a batch by the 3rd week after the last traveling acceptance date.
Waiting List
Team size is limited by the promised 3 quarters playing time per player. The number of teams is limited by available coaches. Each team has a minimum and maximum size. Because of these factors we will almost always have a waiting list at the end of our team building process. We build teams based on registration order. Register early and you will avoid the waiting list. After teams are built we use the waiting list to replace players if there are drops from the program. If you do sign up for the waiting list and are too late to play, we will at least have your contact information to notify you of the next seasons registration window. Also see Coaching Opportunities section.
Bolingbrook Soccer Club's Financial Assistance Program (FAP)
The Bolingbrook Soccer Club (BSC) strives to provide an affordable and competitive soccer experience for all participants. The BSC aims to offer some financial aid to players who demonstrate need. There is a finite amount of aid available each year, based on the Club’s annual budget and Sponsor donations. The policy in the pdf's below includes information on how the program works and what financial assistance covers. For questions about the club’s Financial Assistance Program, you can email: [email protected].