As you may be aware, the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) recently announced new rules for sports and activities that will go into effect on August 15. As a result of these new rules and the resulting guidelines defined by the Illinois Youth Soccer Association (IYSA), the Fall Recreational season in its regular form is not possible.
We are pleased to announce that we will be offering an alternative fall recreational soccer program at a reduced price that adheres to all IDPH and IYSA guidelines. The program will be offered under modified rules (described below), however we are still able to practice and have scrimmages. The fee for the alternative recreational soccer program will be $45 per child.
Already registered for our Fall Recreational Soccer program?
For anyone that has already registered for our Fall Recreational Program, you will be contacted within the next week via email. You will have the option to either:
- Opt-out for Fall Recreational Soccer in which case you will receive a full refund on the registration fees you have already paid
- Opt-in to the alternative Fall Recreational Soccer program in which case you will receive a partial refund on the registration fees you have already paid. All fees up to the amount of the alternative program ($45) will be refunded.
Not registered yet?
If you wish to participate in our alternative program and you have not yet registered, please use the following link to register:
To serve you better, Bolingbrook Soccer Club is building a new website and transitioning from Blue Sombrero to Sports Engine to facilitate club registrations and payments. The link above will take you to a Sports Engine registration form. If you don't already have a Sports Engine account, you will need to create one before registering any participants.
If the IDPH applies further restrictions that require us to cancel our alternative fall program before it starts, a full refund of the $45 fee will be provided. If we are forced to cancel our program after it starts, a pro-rated refund will be provided.
Alternative Fall Recreational Program:
- Players will be divided into "pods" by age
- Each "pod" must be kept under 50 players + coaches according to IDPH and IYSA guidelines
- It's likely that the pods will be kept closer to 20, especially for younger ages
- Each pod will be managed by 4 coaches
- Practices will be held once a week likely on Wednesday in the 5-6:30pm time window (60 minute practice)
- We are aiming to kick off practices the first week of September
- All practices will take place on our Lily Cache Sports Fields
- Practice plans will be overseen by one of our senior BSC coaches or trainers
- Mini Soccers will proceed "as normal" with combination practice/games on Friday evenings
- Scrimmages will be held once a week on Saturday mornings between 9am and 12pm
- We are aiming to kick off scrimmages on September 12th
- All scrimmages will take place on our Lily Cache Sports Fields
- Mini Soccers will proceed "as normal" with combination practice/games on Friday evenings
- All practices and scrimmages will adhere to the IYSA Return to Play Protocol Version 2 (see attachment)
- Uniform shirts will not be provided this year. Each participant will receive a reversible “pinnie” that is theirs to keep throughout the season. They should bring their pinnies to every practice and scrimmage.
- The temperatures of all participants will be taken before each practice/scrimmage.
- Spectators and participants are required to wear masks between the parking lot and the field. Participants can remove their masks during play.
- Spectators are required to remain 30’ from the participants during practices and scrimmages. Social distancing between families and mask wearing is strongly encouraged.
- Attendance of all participants and coaches will be taken for contact tracing purposes.
IYSA Return to Activity Phase 4 Version 2.pdf