Please review the following criteria which is in compliance with the Restore Illinois Phase 4 - Return to Activity Protocol Version 2
On July 29, Governor Pritzker and the Public Health authorities announced a change to the allowable sports activities. In the July 29 revision, soccer was designated as a “medium risk” sport which allows for trainings and intra-team scrimmages.
Allowable Activities
- Intra-team (within team) scrimmages
- Training with up to 50 participants (total number includes participants, coaches, referees, and spectators)
Activities Not Allowed
- Games against other teams or clubs
- Tournaments
- Out-Of-State Play
- Tryouts
Coaches must collect from each participant the signed “IYSA Communicable Disease Release of Liability and Assumption of Risk Agreement” PRIOR to every athlete’s participation.
Training Criteria for Participation for Athletes, Coaches and Staff:
• Intra-team scrimmages and training are allowed in compliance with all IDPH guidelines
• Social distancing should be maintained before and after practice and when allowable during training.
• Training sessions should take place outside.
• Because of increased activities and exposure risks, any individual with a pre-existing medical conditions is required to provide UPDATED written clearance from a physician for return to full participation.
• Participants must not exhibit any signs or symptoms of COVID-19 in the past 14 days and have no known exposure to someone that has been ill in 14 days.
• Participants must not have above normal temperature readings. Anyone with a temperature of 100.4°F or above shall not be permitted to remain on site. If practical before participating in the activity, sport organizer should take participants temperature via a touchless thermometer.
• Upon arrival to training, coaches or staff should ask each athlete if they are experiencing any signs or symptoms of COVID-19. If an athlete has any signs or symptoms of COVID19, the athlete should be sent home and instructed to contact his/her healthcare provider as soon as possible.
• Appropriate infection prevention supplies should be present in multiple targeted areas (e.g., hand sanitizer, facial tissues, facial coverings, hand wash stations, etc.).
• Participants should use their own equipment when possible and properly sanitize the equipment after every training session.
• Participants should use their own water bottle, towel and any other personal hygiene products.
• Establish a cleaning schedule/protocol for equipment with the proper use of disinfectant before, during, and after training.
• Ensure participants are abiding by the State of Illinois’ ordinance regarding appropriate personal protective equipment, (gloves, face mask, etc.) Masks are permitted but not required to be worn by the players during training.
• Coaches must maintain social distancing from all participants.
• Players on bench should be spaced out at least 6-feet apart as allwoable.
• Teams / groups should be static, with no mixing of coaches or participants between groups for the duration of the season.
• Minimum 30 feet of distancing space must be maintained between groups. Area for each group must be clearly marked.
• Maintain an attendance log for every session. Club should keep the attendance log on file for duration of each season for tracing purposes.
• Gatherings should be restricted to 20% of capacity outdoors (multiple groups of 50 should have 30 feet between groups) and the lesser of 50 people OR 20% capacity indoors, inclusive of athletes, coaches, referees, and spectators. Organizers should ensure at least 6-ft. between seats occupied by spectators that are not members of the same household or party. Everyone must wear face coverings at all times.
• Organization must follow all of the Restore Illinois Phase 4 Youth Sports Guidelines.
Although Bolingbrook Soccer Club is taking precautions to prevent the spread of COVID-19 we assume no responsibility for the risks associated with playing soccer or the possibility of a player contracting the disease.